Mark Borthwick's photo book "Abandom Reverie" is famous as a fashion art photographer and very popular in Japan. Boswick, who has been active in "Vogue", "purple", "iD", etc. since the 1990s, has formed the foundation of contemporary fashion photography such as collaboration with Martin Margiela. In recent years, beyond the framework of a photographer, he has demonstrated his talent in various fields such as musicians, filmmakers, poets, and cooks. This book is a collection of works published at the Taka Ishii Gallery exhibition in 2014. A series of beautiful, bosswick-like colorful worldviews that weave light and color, like a kind of abstract painting. Limited to 500 copies.
Publisher : Taka Ishi Gallery (2014)
Paperback : 152 pages
Item Weight : 0.7 kg
Dimensions : 257 x 195 mm